Part 1: Passage Reading
Passage 1
Task 1
Direction: Read the passage silently for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, read the passage aloud at your mentor's instruction. Make sure to start from the title.
Mobile Market
Some companies nowadays have started selling fresh foods in a different way. They use trucks called “mobile markets”. Mobile markets are designed to meet people’s demand of groceries and fresh produce and it stops in many different areas around town. This way, people can easily do their daily shopping. In the future, surely mobile markets will become more common.
Task 2
Direction: Answer the questions about the passage. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen to your mentor carefully. You are given 30 seconds to answer the questions. Your mentor will start the timer after the question is asked.
Passage 2
Task 1
Direction: Read the passage silently for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, read the passage aloud at your mentor's instruction. Make sure to start from the title.
Foreign Children at School
Nowadays, many foreign families are living in Japan and their children usually attend local schools. However, they sometimes have problems with the language as soon as they start going to school. Some cities offer free Japanese language classes, and in this way, they help foreign children do better in Japanese schools.
Task 2
Direction: Answer the questions about the passage. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen carefully. You are given 30 seconds to answer.
Let's Discuss! Part 1 : Passage Reading
Vocabulary Check
groh / suh / ree
moh / beel or 'moh / buhl
uh / 'tend
aw / fer
fawr / in
meet a demand
meet / uh / dih / 'mand
fresh produce
Comprehension Check
Task 1
Q1: According to the passage, how do mobile markets help people do their daily shopping easier?
Q2: According to the passage, what will happen to the mobile markets in the future?
Task 2
Q1: According to the passage, how do some cities help foreign children do better in Japanese schools?
Q2: According to the passage, what problem does foreign children have in local schools?
Grammar Check
Gerunds or infinitives?
Whether you use a gerund or an infinitive depends on the main verb in the sentence.
forget + to+ infinitve | forget + gerund |
- used to indicate that someone did not do something. | - used to say that someone doesn't remember something that they have done in the past. |
I forgot to lock the door. | I forgot locking the door. |
remember +to+ Infinitive | remember+ gerund |
- used when talking about something someone should do | Used when talking about a memory that someone has. |
Make sure you remember to pick up some eggs at the supermarket. | He remembers living in Canada like it was yesterday. |
stop + to + infinitive | stop + gerund |
- used to say that someone stops one action in order to do another action. | - used to show that someone has completely quit some action. This is often used when speaking about bad habits. |
He stopped to drink coffee. | He stopped drinking coffee. |
try + to + infinitive | try + gerund |
- used to encourage someone to do something | - used when talking about an experiment or something that is new. |
I think you should try to save money this month. | He tried going to a fitness club, but it didn't work out for him. |
Pronunciation Check
Direction: Read the following words below. Your mentor will be checking your pronunciation, word stress and intonation.
meet a demand
fresh produce
Part 2
Describing Pictures
Task 1
Directions: Look at the pictures below and tell me as much as you can about what they are doing. You are given 20 seconds to prepare before answering.
Picture 1 : Mobile Market
Picture 2 : Foreign Children at School
Task 2
Directions: Answer the questions for each picture. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen carefully.
Picture 1 : Mobile Market
Picture 2 : Foreign Children at School
Let's Discuss! Part 2: Describing Pictures
Task 1
Direction: Look at the pictures below and tell me as much as you can about what they are doing.
Picture 1 : Mobile Market
A man is .
A woman is .
A man is .
A woman is .
A woman is .
Picture 2 : Foreign Children at School
A boy is .
A girl is .
A boy is .
Two girls are .
EIKEN Answer Tips 💡
📌 Be careful with your word choices. You should know the nuances of words before using them in your sentences.
📌 Note that "wear" cannot be used to describe the action "putting on a hat" because put on is an action that describes the transition between not wearing something and wearing it. Wear on the other hand is the ongoing action (or state) of having a piece of clothing on.
📌 To paint a wall means to paint the surface of [the entire] wall, whereas to paint on a wall means to paint something on the wall.
Task 2
Directions: Look at the picture and describe the situation by answering the questions.
Picture 1 : Mobile Market
Where is the woman?
What is she thinking?
What is the problem?
Picture 2 : Foreign Children at School
Where is the boy?
What is he thinking?
What is the problem?
EIKEN Answer Tips 💡
📌 When describing a situation, explain two points. First describe the situation and state the reason for it. You can also mention the setting of the picture for clarity.
Part 3
Question and Answer
Task 1
Direction: Your mentor will be asking you 2 general questions for each task. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen to your mentor carefully. You have one minute to prepare for your answer, and you will be asked to answer the questions within two minutes. The timer will start after the question has been read to you by your mentor.
Question 1
TIMER: 1 Minute ⏱
TIMER 2 Minutes ⏱
Question 2
TIMER: 1 Minute ⏱
TIMER 2 Minutes ⏱
Task 2
Direction: Your mentor will be asking you 2 general questions for each task. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen to your mentor carefully. You have one minute to prepare for your answer, and you will be asked to answer the questions within two minutes. The timer will start after the question has been read to you by your mentor.
Question 1
TIMER: 1 Minute ⏱
TIMER 2 Minutes ⏱
Question 2
TIMER: 1 Minute ⏱
TIMER 2 Minutes ⏱
Let's Discuss! Part 3: Question and Answer
Task 1
Question 1
Do you think young people should eat more vegetables?
Sample Answers:
• YES- Most young people eat too much fast food. They need to eat many kinds of vegetables.
• NO- They already eat enough vegetables every day. They know that eating vegetables is good for their health.
EIKEN Answer Tips 💡
📌 If you answer YES to the question, you could state how good vegetables are for one's health, or you could say something about eating a well-balanced diet.
📌 If you answer NO to the question, aside from referring to the fact that they already take enough vegetables just like in the example answer, you can also explain how difficult it is to eat vegetables to some people and that food supplements are easier to consume.
Question 2
Many Japanese nowadays work in foreign countries. Would you like to work overseas?
Sample Answers:
• YES- I want to work for a company in Canada. My father used to work at a company there.
• NO- I want to start my own company in Japan. It would be difficult to do this abroad.
EIKEN Answer Tips 💡
📌 If you answer YES, you can state that by working with various people, you can improve your language skills, and can learn about other countries' culture. You need to explain the advantages of working in a foreign country.
📌 If you answer NO, you can say that you don't want to live away from your family and friends or state other reasons.
Task 2
Question 1
Do you think it is a good idea for schools to let students to go on field trips abroad?
Sample Answers:
• YES- Students can learn about another culture. Also, they can practice speaking a foreign language.
• NO- Going abroad is too expensive for many students. Also, students should learn about their own country first.
EIKEN Answer Tips 💡
📌 If you answer YES, you can state that through field trips, students can have various experiences.
📌 If you answer NO, you can state reasons such as there are a lot of places to see in Japan, too or you can say that students can't choose the country they want to visit, etc.
Question 2
People nowadays like to travel abroad together with their pets. Would you like to travel with a pet?
Sample Answers:
• YES- I think my dog is a member of the family. I always want to be with him.
• NO- It is difficult to take care of a pet during a trip. Also, some animals don't like leaving their homes.
EIKEN Answer Tips 💡
📌 If you answer YES to the question, you can introduce the animal or pet that you have and share your experience.
📌 If you answer NO to the question, you may give reasons such as not liking them very much and talk about how difficult it is to take care of them.
1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.
2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.
groh / suh / ree
moh / beel or 'moh / buhl
uh / 'tend
aw / fer
fawr / in
meet a demand
meet / uh / dih / 'mand
fresh produce