タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
EIKEN Grade Pre-2 Listening: Lesson 1

Part 1: Dialogue

This is the listening test for the Eiken Pre-2. Listen carefully to the directions. You will not be permitted to ask questions during the test.

This test has three parts. All of the questions in these three parts are multiple choice questions.

For each question, choose the best answer from among the four choices written in your test booklet.

On your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. You are permitted to take notes for every part of this listening test.

Directions: Listen to the dialogue and choose the most appropriate response to the last sentence from 1, 2, 3, or 4 that will be broadcast. The dialogue and the question will be given only once. Please take some notes of the difficult words and phrases in each number.

Item 1 🎧

Item 2 🎧

Item 3 🎧

Item 4 🎧

Item 5 🎧

Let's Discuss! Part 1: Dialogue

Let's Discuss Template

Strategy: 💡

📌 Listen to the beginning of the conversation to understand the relationship between the speakers and the situation of the conversation, and pay special attention to the last statement. The choices are not printed in the question booklet, but are read out loud. Think about how you would respond to the questions and the other person's responses as if you were actually having the conversation. It is also effective to use past papers to practice predicting your own responses before the options are read out loud.

Vocabulary Check

Item 1




- almost all.

the rest

/thuh/ rest/


- the other things, people, or parts that are left.

Item 2

accessories section

/ak-ses-uh-rees/ sek-shuhn/


- the part of a shop where we could find something added to clothing that has a useful or decorative purpose.

coin purse

/koin/ purs/


- a small money bag or pouch, made for carrying coins.

Item 3




- notice the absence of.

day off

/dey/ of/


- a day's vacation from work or school on what would normally be a working day.

Item 4

go ahead

/goh/ uh-hed/


- proceed.

catch up



- succeed in reaching a person who is ahead of one.

Item 5




- a length or square of fabric worn around the neck or head.




- liked, admired, or enjoyed by many people or by a particular person or group.

Comprehension Check

Item 1 🎧


✧ What do you think is the relationship of the two speakers?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 2 🎧


✧ What do you think is the relationship of the two speakers?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 3 🎧


✧ What do you think is the relationship of the two speakers?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 4 🎧


✧ What do you think is the relationship of the two speakers?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 5 🎧


✧ What do you think is the relationship of the two speakers?

✧ What are they talking about?

Part 2: Conversation

Directions: Listen to the dialogue and choose one of 1, 2, 3, or 4 that best answers the question. The conversation and the question will be given only once. Please take some notes of the difficult words and phrases in each number.

Item 1 🎧

   1 She doesn't like classical concerts.

   2 She has to go to another concert.

   3 She has to go to class.

   4 She has to study at home.

Item 2 🎧

   1 She does not like to fly.

   2 She does not sleep well on airplanes.

   3 She has nothing to read during the flight.

   4 She cannot sleep well after the flight.

Item 3 🎧

   1 He tried to use it.

   2 He tried to give it back to its owner.

   3 He left it where he found it.

   4 He put it in his pocket.

Item 4 🎧

   1 Whether to buy a pet rabbit.

   2 Who is driving.

   3 Where to go for dinner.

   4 When to leave the house.

Item 5 🎧

   1 The woman shut her eyes.

   2 The man pressed the wrong button.

   3 The camera ran out of batteries.

   4 Someone walked in front of the camera.

Let's Discuss! Part 2: Conversation

Let's Discuss Template

As in the first part, you should grasp the relationship between the two speakers and the situation of the conversation from the beginning of the conversation. Conversations often proceed in the order of "question➡response". In many cases, the conversation will proceed in a "question➡response" way, so it is best to listen while grasping the question and the response. For example, you may need to ask for directions, talk in a store, make a reservation at a restaurant, or talk on the phone. Each situation has its own set of common expressions. It is important to study typical examples of each type of conversation.

Vocabulary Check

Item 1

classical concert

/klas-i-kuhl/ kon-surt/


- traditional performance.

some other time

/suhm/ uhth-er/ tahym/


- at some indefinite time in the future, possibly never, but they certainly don't want to feel obliged to fix a specific time or date.

Item 2




- in or to a foreign country, especially one across the sea.

earplugs and eye mask

/eer-pluhg/ uhnd/ ahy mahsk/


- (1) a piece of wax, rubber, or cotton placed in the ear as protection against noise or water (2) a piece of material for putting under, around, or over the eye.

Item 3

next to

/nekst/ too/


- beside.

hold on

/hohld/ on/


- to keep or retain someone or something.

Item 4

a little something

/uh/ lit-l/suhm-thing/


- a small thing.

this time

/this/ tahym/


- existing, happening or being dealt with now

Item 5




- to disturb.




- to close.

Comprehension Check

Item 1 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 2 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 3 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 4 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 5 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?

Part 3: Narrative

Directions: Listen to the English text and choose the best answer to the question from 1, 2, 3, or 4. The narrative and the question will be given only once. Please take some notes of the difficult words and phrases in each number.

Item 1 🎧

   1 She talks to the coach.

   2 She encourages them to help her.

   3 She hears them out when they have issues.

   4 She plays harder than anyone.

Item 2 🎧

   1 He worked in a game company.

   2 He went to a Japanese school.

   3 He met his friends in Tokyo.

   4 He played with his host brother.

Item 3 🎧

   1 They can ask a clerk.

   2 Sale items are marked with a sticker.

   3 Everything is on sale until Sunday.

   4 Sale items are near the entrance.

Item 4 🎧

   1 People can see fireworks every night.

   2 People can get cheaper tickets now.

   3 People should bring their own food.

   4 People should carry their ID cards.

Item 5 🎧

   1 Help the teachers with their jobs.

   2 Make a scpeech every day.

   3 Be involved with the school dance.

   4 Teach students how to dance.

Let's Discuss! Part 3: Narrative

Let's Discuss Template

When the text is read, listen to it with the intention of sorting out who did what, when, and where. It is also a good idea to look over the four options before the broadcast to get a rough idea of the topic or question, so that you know what to listen for.

Vocabulary Check

Item 1

hear out

/heer/ out/


- listen to all that someone has to say




- give support, confidence, or hope to (someone)

Item 2

host brother

/hohst/ bruhth-er/


- temporary brother




- holy place

Item 3




- a period during which a retailer sells goods at reduced prices




- short for sticker price

Item 4




- to buy




- a deduction from the usual cost of something

Item 5

student council

/stood-nt/ koun-suhl/


- a group of students elected to participate in classified areas of school government

in charge

/in/ chahrj/


- responsible for something or someone

Comprehension Check

Item 1 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?

Item 2 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?

Item 3 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?

Item 4 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?

Item 5 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?