タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[C] Can you tell me where it is?


Direction: Read the conversation below. Then, exchange roles with your mentor.


Icon_Anna Happy


Hey, Melly. That's a pretty big parcel you have. Can I give you a hand?

Melly_Happy Icon


Thanks, Anna. Actually it's not the heavy, just a little bulky. I'm sending some American jeans home to my sister, so I'm headed to the post office in the middle of the next block. I thought it was on this block. Can you tell me where it is?

Icon_Anna Happy


Oh, it's not far. It's right around the block. Go to that corner and make a right. When you get to the crosswalk, cross the street. You'll see the post office in the middle of the next block. You can't miss it, you'll see the stars and stripes hanging over the entrance.

Melly_Happy Icon


Hey, thanks. By the way, where are you headed? If you're not busy, would you like to have a quick bite somewhere?

Icon_Anna Happy


Great idea! I'm on my way to the library, and there's a nice cafe in the library. We could have a quick bite or some coffee and then see what new magazines have arrived. They usually put the new ones on the table near the sofa. I also want to find out about the new English conversation class that's starting next week. It meets once a week, and I figure it's a great way to meet new friends while I practice English.

Melly_Happy Icon


English classes? This week? Count me in! I didn't know the library was in this neighborhood. How do we get there?

Icon_Anna Happy


It's just two blocks from the post office, between the bank and the drugstore. We cross the avenue and then turn left. That's about a five-minute walk from here.

Melly_Happy Icon


Let's go!


1. Where is Melly heading, and why is she going there?

2. Why does Anna want to find out about the new English conversation class that's starting next week?


Giving Directions


Go straight on

- don't turn left or right

Turn left/right (into ... street) / Make a right/left / Take the first/second road on the left/right

- go to the left/right

Go along/up/down

- continue down a road

Go across

- cross something, like a road or crossroad

Go through

- pass through something, such as a tunnel or a town

Go past

- continue past something so that is now behind you


  • We often make reference to landmarks when we give directions to help the other person. These can be places in a town such as cinema, bank, bus stop, etc. They can also be parts of the road system. Here are some common terms:
  • car rank

    taxi rank

  • underpass


  • overpass


  • footbridge


  • junction


  • crossroad


  • roundabout



A. Direction: You met a female tourist while you're on your way home asking how to get to the places below. Give her some directions to help her get to her destination.

  1. Nearest Mall
  2. Post Office
  3. Souvenir Shop

B. Direction: Listen to the dialogue and complete the script with the missing words.

Tourist: Excuse me, can you help me find ____ _____?

Local: Of course! First, _____ _____ down this road for about three blocks.

Tourist: Okay, then what do I do?

Local: When you see the ___ ___ ___ , that's the library. Keep ___ ___ it.

Tourist: Alright, and then?

Local: At the ___ ___ , you'll see a crosswalk. Cross to the ___ ___ .

Tourist: Got it, then what's next?

Local: Once you're on the other side, _____ ____ ____ ____.

Tourist: Thank you! Is the museum far from here?

Local: Not at all. It's just a short walk from there. You ____ ____ it! Enjoy your visit!