タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
9_Steve Jobs [Section 1]

Shadow the following audio material and record your own voice while doing so.

Then send the audio file as your response to this activity.

You can refer to the script below as your guide.


Steve Jobs:

We've got about 3,500 people at Apple, and we build computers, and I had a chance to meet some of you today, and a bunch of you have used 'em and told me about that and I appreciate that a lot.


I was talking to a man named Ralph. Ralph's about 11 or 12, and Ralph uses an Apple. And I was telling Ralph about when I was a kid, 'cause we didn't get a chance to grow up with Apples. And about how my first experience with a computer was having to take all these- type out a program and take all these cards to a computer center and half an hour later you'd get the result, and it was prehistoric compared to the way it is now. And Ralph didn't understand this at all.


And it really signaled that the real optimism of youth is that they don't understand how bad it used to be, and that they really take the accomplishments of the last generation for granted and they're still not happy. And so if there's one thing that- that I wish, is that all the- the sorta "God bless America" stuff you're hearing from us doesn't dull you into complacency with the way things are, and that you retain that idealism, and you retain that, that feeling that the way things are isn't good enough--because you're all citizens of the world and the world desperately needs your idealism and desperately needs your help.


Steve Jobs:

We've got about 3,500 people at Apple, and we build computers, and I had a chance to meet some of you today, and a bunch of you have used 'em and told me about that and I appreciate that a lot.

I was talking to a man named Ralph. Ralph's about 11 or 12, and Ralph uses an Apple. And I was telling Ralph about when I was a kid, 'cause we didn't get a chance to grow up with Apples. And about how my first experience with a computer was having to take all these- type out a program and take all these cards to a computer center and half an hour later you'd get the result, and it was prehistoric compared to the way it is now. And Ralph didn't understand this at all.

And it really signaled that the real optimism of youth is that they don't understand how bad it used to be, and that they really take the accomplishments of the last generation for granted and they're still not happy. And so if there's one thing that- that I wish, is that all the- the sorta "God bless America" stuff you're hearing from us doesn't dull you into complacency with the way things are, and that you retain that idealism, and you retain that, that feeling that the way things are isn't good enough--because you're all citizens of the world and the world desperately needs your idealism and desperately needs your help.