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15_Larry Page, Sergey Brin [Section 6]

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__Larry Page:__

One thing– I was just talking to Richard Branson about this--they don't have enough jobs in the UK. He's been trying to get people to hire two part-time people instead of one full-time. So at least the young people can have a half-time job rather than no job. And it's a slightly greater cost for employers. I was thinking, the extension of that is you just. if you have kind of global unemployment or widespread unemployment, you just reduce work time.


Most people like working, but they'd also like to have more time with their family or to do their own interests. So that would be one way to deal with the problem, is if you had a coordinated way to just reduce the work week.

__Sergey Brin:__

I will quibble a little bit. I don't think that in the near term, the need for labor is going away. I mean, it gets shifted from one place to another, but people always want more stuff or more entertainment or more creativity or more something.


___Sergey Brin:__

I mean, I think it's kind of an imperfect system, so there's no reason that it really will correspond. There's been some economics arguments that that's not as true now as it has been.


Larry Page:

One thing– I was just talking to Richard Branson about this--they don't have enough jobs in the UK. He's been trying to get people to hire two part-time people instead of one full-time. So at least the young people can have a half-time job rather than no job. And it's a slightly greater cost for employers. I was thinking, the extension of that is you just. if you have kind of global unemployment or widespread unemployment, you just reduce work time.

Most people like working, but they'd also like to have more time with their family or to do their own interests. So that would be one way to deal with the problem, is if you had a coordinated way to just reduce the work week.

__Sergey Brin:__

I will quibble a little bit. I don't think that in the near term, the need for labor is going away. I mean, it gets shifted from one place to another, but people always want more stuff or more entertainment or more creativity or more something.

__Sergey Brin:__

I mean, I think it's kind of an imperfect system, so there's no reason that it really will correspond. There's been some economics arguments that that's not as true now as it has been.