タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
5_Mark Zuckerberg [Section 2]

Shadow the following audio material and record your own voice while doing so.

Then send the audio file as your response to this activity.

You can refer to the script below as your guide.


Q: How did Facebook get started?

Mark Zuckerberg:

I literally coded Facebook in my dorm room and O launched it from my dorm room. I rented a server for 85 dollars a month and I funded it by putting an ad on the side, and we've funded it ever since by putting ads on the side. But literally just starting small and growing it.


So I think you need two things. One is the ability to have engineers, right, and, and educate engineers who can just try out their own ideas.

And the second is the ability to try out their own ideas, right, and- and the freedom to do that.


We're around 2,500 or 3,000 people now. You know, maybe we move as quickly as you know, a company that only has 500 people, right, because we've invested so much in, in building up the infrastructure and tools, and also the culture that tells people to take risks and try things out.

And I just think that that ability to, to build stuff quicker will be a big advantage for us and will help us build better products at the long term.


Q: How did Facebook get started?

Mark Zuckerberg:

I literally coded Facebook in my dorm room and O launched it from my dorm room. I rented a server for 85 dollars a month and I funded it by putting an ad on the side, and we've funded it ever since by putting ads on the side. But literally just starting small and growing it.

So I think you need two things. One is the ability to have engineers, right, and, and educate engineers who can just try out their own ideas.

And the second is the ability to try out their own ideas, right, and- and the freedom to do that.

We're around 2,500 or 3,000 people now. You know, maybe we move as quickly as you know, a company that only has 500 people, right, because we've invested so much in, in building up the infrastructure and tools, and also the culture that tells people to take risks and try things out.

And I just think that that ability to, to build stuff quicker will be a big advantage for us and will help us build better products at the long term.