タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
Taking Photographs


food picture

This photo was taken at a restaurant. Describe the photo and talk about your opinion about their actions.


Useful Words/Phrases

  • controversy
  • shutterbug
  • instagrammable
  • paparazzi
  • alter


Direction: Discuss the following questions with your mentor and share about yourself. Make sure to answer in complete sentences.

SPEAK OUT Speak more-03

  1. Would you consider yourself a shutterbug? Do you take a lot of photos? Why?

  2. Do you post photos on social media? What photos do you usually post? Do you edit them before posting? What do you think about filters?

  3. Do you enjoy taking selfies? Why or why not? How about purikura? How would you describe purikura to a foreigner?

  4. What do you consider as insta-bae or instagrammable? Why do you think Instagram has become one of the biggest social networking apps?

  5. What do you think about fashion photos that have been altered or photoshopped? Why do you think there is controversy over the use of altered photographs of fashion models?

  6. Do you think it's okay to take a photo of someone without their permission? Why or why not? How do Japanese people view this act?


Direction: Read the proverb below, then discuss it with your mentor. What does it mean? Do you agree with it?

Taking Photographs
