タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
Ethics Across Cultures


23-SO-Ethics Across Cultures

1. Describe what is going on in the photo.


Useful Words/Phrases

  • influence
  • make a choice
  • upbringing
  • take a step
  • see something differently


Direction: Discuss the following questions with your mentor and share about yourself. Make sure to answer in complete sentences.

SPEAK OUT Speak more-03

  1. Can you tell a story about a time when you and someone from another culture saw things differently about what's okay or not okay?

  2. Have you ever had to make a choice at work where different cultures had different ideas about what's the right thing to do? How did you handle it?

  3. What steps do you take to ensure you understand and respect diverse ethical perspectives when working with people from different cultures?

  4. Have you worked in a place where people from lots of different countries do business? How do you deal with the differences in how people think about what's right or wrong?

  5. Do you think some jobs or businesses have more problems with understanding what's right or wrong because of cultural differences?

  6. How do you think your school and upbringing influenced what you think is okay or not okay, especially when it comes to what's right or wrong?


Direction: Read the proverb below, then discuss it with your mentor. What does it mean? Do you agree with it?

23-SO-Ethics Across Culture
